Monaliza Tours
Monaliza Tours
Ab 719 €


Erstellt: Sonntag, 11. Juli 2021
Ref ID: 1576964
Gesamtpreis Ab 1.437 €
Erstellt: Sonntag, 11. Juli 2021
Ziele: Madrid, Cordoba (Provinz), Sevilla, Granada, Malaga, Madrid

Ihr Tagesablauf

01 Aug.
1. Madrid
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Über das Reiseziel:

Madrid has a tempo of its own: The dry air of the Castilian plain crackles with its cosmopolitan crowds. If the illuminated shop windows along the Gran Vía, and the unrelenting elegance of Paseo de la Castellana are overwhelming, retreat to Old Madrid. Its tangle of side streets south of Plaza Mayor and Puerta del Sol are what makes the real Madrid. Spend half a day in the Prado Museum, thaat sit to rest on the steps leading down to the lake in lush Retiro Park. The city begins to live it up as soon as the sun goes down. Madrid claims to boast the largest number of bars per capita of any European city. Madrid teems with cultural events all year round. After concert, play or film, you can choose among literally hundreds of tapas bars and an endless array of nightspots. Madrid successfylly combines its cosmopolitan sophistication with its most cherished local traditions, the result is fascinating to explore.

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02 Aug.
Flamenco-Vorstellung und spezielles Menü im Torres Bermejas in Madrid
Flamenco-Vorstellung und spezielles Menü im Torres Bermejas in Madrid
1 Stunde Entrada+espectáculo 19:00 19:00
Nicht erstattungsfähig
Siehe Einzelheiten
03 Aug.
Transport von Madrid nach Cordoba (Provinz)
Renfe - 4R2146
14:35 - Madrid, ATOCHA RAILWAY ST. , Madrid
16:17 - CENTRAL RAILWAY ST , Córdoba
1h 42min Direktflug
Kabinenklasse: Economy
03 Aug.
2. Cordoba (Provinz)
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Über das Reiseziel: Córdoba ist eine der 50 Provinzen Spaniens, im nord-zentralen Teil der autonomen Gemeinschaft Andalusien.
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04 Aug.
Best of Cordoba Tour - 4 Stunden
Best of Cordoba Tour - 4 Stunden
4 Stunden English 09:50
Nicht erstattungsfähig
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05 Aug.
Transport von Cordoba (Provinz) nach Sevilla
Renfe - 4R3940
13:19 - CENTRAL RAILWAY ST , Córdoba
14:02 - Sevilla, SANTA JUSTA RAILWAY ST , Sevilla
43min Direktflug
Kabinenklasse: Economy
05 Aug.
3. Sevilla
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Über das Reiseziel: Seville has a special colour, this effervescent city is filled with captivating traditional architecture in colours of lemons, plums and oranges. The River Guadalquivir runs approximately north-south through Seville. Most of the city, including the old quarter of Barrio de Santa Cruz, is on the east bank, while the Barrio de Triana lies on the west bank. At midnight, impromptu singing, clapping and guitar playing fill bars and streets. By day, the diversity of the city’s heritage becomes apparent. The Romans, Moors, Catholic Spaniards, and now, hordes of tourists have all tried to claim Seville as their own. Indeed, Seville has never failed to spark the imagination of newcomers. From the street, the cathedral seems unimpressive; you must go inside to get some sense of its dimensions. Massive pillars support the vaulted roof, and the wealth of treasure is fabulous beyond belief. Another major sight of the city is La Giralda, which was the minaret of the Almohad mosque. From the top, there’s a fantastic view of the city across the barbed spires and buttresses of the roof. La Torre del Oro, a symbol of the city, originally covered in golden tiles, watches over the town as it has always done since 1220. Seville at night is wonderful, everything takes on a mystical air able to hypnotize and if you know how to live it, you will fall under its spell.
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05 Aug.
2 Nächte
06 Aug.
Hop-on-Hop-off-Bustour durch Sevilla
Hop-on-Hop-off-Bustour durch Sevilla
1 Stunde 24 Hour Hop On Hop Off Ticket
Nicht erstattungsfähig
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07 Aug.
Transport von Sevilla nach Granada
Alsa - ALSA113001600
13:00 - Seville, Seville Plaza de Armas
16:00 - Granada, Grenade
3h 0min Direktflug
Kabinenklasse: Economy
07 Aug.
4. Granada
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Über das Reiseziel: The Muslim rulers of Granada adored and adorned this provincial capital. Ignore the low apartments of Granada and look up: the majestic clay-red Alhambra palace looms against the Sierra Nevada, Europe’s sunniest ski slopes. And the refreshing coastline is also nearby. The Alhambra, the red one in Arabic, is an Islamic monument of universal fame ad unfaded grandeur, built on a hill covered with splendid woods and gardens. The numerous courtyards and rooms inside the palaces of the Casa Real are among the finest examples of Mudejar art and architecture. Constructed after the Reconquista of Granada to replace the mosque on the site, the Cathedral of Granada is the first purely Renaissance cathedral is Spain. The Royal Chapel, reached by a separate entrance, contains the elaborate tomb of Ferdinand and Isabella, along with Isabella’s splendid private art collecting. South of the Cathedral is the Albayzin, the old Arab quarter, a set of winding alleyways with Moorish-style archways decorating the walls. Granada is famous for its holy week celebrations, which include festivities and processions. For less cultural diversion, stick to the student pubs around the university.
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08 Aug.
Keine Warteschlangen: Halbtägige Tour durch Alhambra und die Generalife-Gärten
Keine Warteschlangen: Halbtägige Tour durch Alhambra und die Generalife-Gärten
3 Stunden English Guided Tour 12:00
Nicht erstattungsfähig
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09 Aug.
Transport von Granada nach Malaga
Alsa - ALSA109001040
09:00 - Granada, Grenade
10:40 - Malaga, Malaga Train Station
1h 40min Direktflug
Kabinenklasse: Economy
09 Aug.
5. Malaga
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Über das Reiseziel: In Picassos Heimatstadt Malaga strömt Kunst aus jedem Ziegelstein. Dieser kosmopolitische Hafen, der als eine der ältesten Städte Spaniens und Europas gilt, ist fröhlich und modern, hält aber an seiner großen historischen Vergangenheit fest. Der palmengesäumte Paseo el Parque führt Sie zur Alcazaba, einem maurischen Palast, dessen befestigte Mauern duftende Gärten und ein archäologisches Museum verbergen. Die Burg von Gibralfaro krönt einen nahe gelegenen Hügel mit spektakulärem Blick auf die Stadt. Einen Besuch wert ist auch das Picasso-Museum, das neben einem beeindruckenden künstlerischen Erbe auch Bildungsaktivitäten und kulturelle Veranstaltungen bietet. Málaga verdient einen guten Nachtbesuch: Verpassen Sie nicht einen guten Spaziergang durch den Hafen und genießen Sie die beleuchtete Alcazaba, die vom Monte Gibralfaro aus über die Stadt wacht.
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09 Aug.
2 Nächte
11 Aug.
Transport von Malaga nach Madrid
Renfe - 4R2153
15:00 - Malaga, Malaga Train Station
17:42 - Madrid, ATOCHA RAILWAY ST. , Madrid
2h 42min Direktflug
Kabinenklasse: Economy
11 Aug.
6. Madrid
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Über das Reiseziel:

Madrid has a tempo of its own: The dry air of the Castilian plain crackles with its cosmopolitan crowds. If the illuminated shop windows along the Gran Vía, and the unrelenting elegance of Paseo de la Castellana are overwhelming, retreat to Old Madrid. Its tangle of side streets south of Plaza Mayor and Puerta del Sol are what makes the real Madrid. Spend half a day in the Prado Museum, thaat sit to rest on the steps leading down to the lake in lush Retiro Park. The city begins to live it up as soon as the sun goes down. Madrid claims to boast the largest number of bars per capita of any European city. Madrid teems with cultural events all year round. After concert, play or film, you can choose among literally hundreds of tapas bars and an endless array of nightspots. Madrid successfylly combines its cosmopolitan sophistication with its most cherished local traditions, the result is fascinating to explore.

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1 Versicherungen
Insurance (PREMIO POLIZZA MEDICO BAGAGLIO BASE) - Region (Single Country Continent) - Days (12)
Gesamtpreis Ab 1.437 €
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2 Erwachsene
Nächte 11
Diese Idee beinhaltet
Ziele 6
Transport 5
Unterkünfte 6
Aktivitäten 4
Versicherungen 1

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